Saturday, December 28, 2019

Information On My Family s History - 1448 Words

To gain more information on my family’s history, I spoke with my father, Lalji Patel over the phone. I choose to speak with him because he knows a great deal about my ancestors and has also experienced migration first hand. First, my father shared information to help me better understand who my ancestors were. My great-grandfather is Dayabhai Patel and he married my great-grandmother, Modhiben Patel at a young age. They had a son in 1941, Bhimjibhai Patel, who is my grandfather. My grandfather married my grandmother, Rangaiben Patel at the age of twenty-three. My great-grandparents and grandparents were born and raised in Bhavnagar, India. This is also where they got married. Soon after their marriage, my grandmother gave birth to my aunt, Hansa Patel in 1968 and four years later gave birth to my father, Lalji Patel. In 1994, my father married my mother and four years after, I was born. My family migrated to Surat, India from Bhavnagar, India. At the time, my great grandparents owned lot of farming land in Bhavnagar. Due to a drought, my family started to lose business which made it it difficult for them to pay the bills. My grandfather decided he needed to migrate to a bigger city in order to learn more about other businesses so he could start to financially support his family. After my grandparents moved to Surat, my grandfather learned more about diamond cutting and polishing. Soon, he owned his own factory in Surat. After that, my grandparents had to move again becauseShow MoreRelatedA Report On Medical Records1300 Words   |  6 Pages I was adopted by my family the day after I was born. From ages four through nine I was admitted into the hospital, every year, for dehydration which caused uncontrollable vomiting. These illness continue to plague me even today. Doctors would often prescribe antibiotics which would help until my next illness occurred. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay about Sexual Tolerance of Gays in the Military

Sexual Tolerance of Gays in the Military In 1999, more than 1,000 men and women were discharged from military service due to their sexuality. That number has actually decreased compared to recent years. (Suro NP) Homosexuals were purged from federal employment in 1950, with Bill Clinton updating that policy in 1993 by adding the â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue† policy. (Deicher 176) This policy doesn’t work and needs to either be updated again or the ban against homosexuals lifted. Gays should be allowed to fight for the military for employment reasons, the right to fight for one’s country, and because they are no different from anyone else. The fact of the matter is that not even experts can argue in favor of keeping the†¦show more content†¦He said in his campaign that he would abolish the ban on gays in the military. When he said this, he triggered a wave of homosexuals, previously in the armed forces, and currently enrolled at that time, to state their homosexuality, and â€Å"come out of the closet†. With thousands of gays doing this in a span of two years, Clinton’s promise was shot out of reach. His only hope was to improve on the law already in place, and he did so by adding the â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell† policy in 1993. This policy made it legal for homosexuals to be in the military, as long as they didn’t state their sexuality. It also made it against the law to ask openly if a person is a homosexual or not. The policy was supposed to be law and obeyed, by everyone in the service. This policy turned out to be a flop and wasn’t taken very seriously, as the higher ranked officers did not punish violators of the rule and some didn’t abide by it themselves. So later on, the â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell† policy was modified to the â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue† policy, to try and cut down on violators of this law. This has been working to a point, but needs to be changed to teach and inform all members of the army about gays and lesbians, and to also discipline quickly and severely the members of the military that would be considered harassment, including verbal abuse, sometimes known as gay bashing. The U.S. Military provides a very extensive line of employment.Show MoreRelatedSexuality And Public Policy Regarding Sexual Tolerance1074 Words   |  5 PagesSexual Tolerance 2 What are some recent changes in law, attitude, or policy regarding sexual tolerance? Attitude of the world today is continuously changing due to policy and procedures of gay marriages, and gays in the military (News batch, July 2014). The current status of society and how we see homosexuality in today’s world is and will always and forever evolving. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Impact of Online Shopping V/S Retail Shopping free essay sample

When a business buys from another business it is called business-to-business (B2B) online shopping. Online shopping has become the trend and the new mode of purchasing. There are literally 1000s of online marketing enterprises selling goods from cosmetics, clothing, shoes, hand phone accessories, vitamin supplements, used items and so on. Literally the entire range of consumer items. These services have little overheads, no rentals to worry about and no staff wages to pay out, unlike their physical counterparts who are at a great disadvantage. Ebay and other well known online marketing platforms have good and healthy growth in their local trade volumes. Similarly, the postal department and local courier business is experiencing healthy demand and business. This pops a question. While there is growth in these sectors, obviously the usual retail sector shrinks. Shops do not get their sales volumes and are closing down. The trend is very clear. Retail shop demand will fall and even shrink. We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Online Shopping V/S Retail Shopping or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Other than for the service side , such as hair saloons, clinics and so on. Online shopping is indeed having an adverse impact on the retail sector.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Jesus Essay Thesis Example For Students

Jesus Essay Thesis It is finished! John 19:30. What Christ is referring to here is theaccomplished salvation of the people. What that means is that when we aresaved,we do not have to put out burnt saccrifices up to Him. It is no longer neededbecause Christ died for us, which took away the iniquities of our sin. He didthis out of great love for us. This is exemplified in John 3:16 For God soloved the world that he gave his only begotton son that who so ever belief inhim shall have eternall life!. That verse is very important to us, or should be,because in a way, one could base his/her relationship with the Lord upon it. Thereason is because God loved us so much that he did that for us so that is theleast that we could do. In Genesis 3:15 it says that we will be punished for oursins. Yes, that is true, but God will forgive and forget them if we repent. Yousee this is not possible without Jesus dying for our sins. In Romans 5:6-8 itsays that Christ died for all of us. Even the bad ones, ALL. This is a sign ofthe Victory that Christ had won a victory here. The reason is because of all ofthe lifes that he saved and will later be saved. In Romans 5 it says that Jesusdied for All Sinners! We are all sinners so his death was for all. When Jesus says that It is finished, he can also be reffering to the olderpredictions of Christs life. There is one in particular that it might have beentalking about in Isaiah. That is the one in which Isaiah talks of the life ofJesus and the crusifiction, in very short and brief detail. The suffering in which Jesus took for us lasted all through the night, and thenin the morning the thrusted a sword into His side to see if he was alive. Afterthe water poored out of His side, you can say that it is officially over. In myheart it is not completely over, just that of that era. Jesus will always livein my heart and not until the very end times is it over in my heart. When the life of Jesus was over, at the same exact time God tore the cloth inthe temple from the top to the bottom. The reason it had to have been God isthat no one would be capable of tearing it from the top. This was to show thewrath of God that He had upon the world at this time. I am sure that He feltbadfor His son for having to go through all of this. God loved the world so muchthat He did this for us though. We should all acknowledge the fact that is thereason for the crucifiction. This little message actually means a whole lot to me. I feel that when he saidthat It is finished, he was reffering to the fact that we no longer have tosacrifice. I believe that this is a very strong statement to believers, thatthey would acknowledge the love and a lesson to the non-Christians that theywould possibly just think about it a little and maybe they will also think alittle more about how they are living their life. I feel that we all DO fallshort of the glory of God, but we a supposed to do the best we can to be moreand more like Him. I love my lord with all my heart and will continue to mywhole life.Words/ Pages : 1,298 / 24