Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Philosophy (practical ethics) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Philosophy (practical ethics) - Essay Example In this brief paper, Mackinnon’s arguments are analyzed in the light of the possible consequences censorship of pornography can create. Before looking at Mackinnon’s attitude to pornography, it is essential to see what pornography really means. The traditional view is that pornography is any sexually explicit material that generates sexual arousal in the consumers. As it encourages sexual promiscuity and as it is morally and religiously bad, it should not be permitted in society. It has been seen as an affront to decent family life. It destroys valuable institutions like family, and also it spoils human character. The traditional view is seen as patriarchal. Those who believe in this view are not worried about women’s oppression caused by pornography. But women, like Mackinnon, find pornography as an extreme form of harassment to women. According to her, the central issue of pornography is the oppression of women. There are certain vital issues, says Mackinnon, emerging from the production of pornography, which will come up for discussion below. The greatest harm done, feels Mackinnon, is the inequalit y it creates. Mackinnon’s efforts are to empower women with legal powers, knowing well that the production of pornography is basically the result of the traditional male view of a woman. In one sense, pornography is speech. And it is not mere speech but action. And the action is seen in two forms. The first is when pornography is produced, and the second is when it is viewed. Therefore, in her ordinance which she drafted, she stressed the need to see resistance to pornography as a civil right. Mackinnon has been severely criticized for this because it goes against the First Amendment. â€Å"The First Amendment is founded on the proposition, set forth so beautifully by J.S. Mill in On Liberty, that good speech ultimately drives out bad† (Spectacle). Mackinnon’s attempt to see racial equality with woman’s equality

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Critique on the Article, An Anorexic's Recovery. by Leanna Rutherford Lab Report

Critique on the Article, An Anorexic's Recovery. by Leanna Rutherford - Lab Report Example According to Rutherford, she "was 17 and in her [my] graduating year of high school when she [I] decided that she [I] wanted to lose weight" (n.p.). Studies show that mostly, adolescent young women are affected by this mental illness. And women are more prone than men; although, in some cases men can also be a candidate for this disorder. American Psychiatric Association viewed this as a psychological disorder affecting mainly young women (American Psychiatric Association, 1984) and recent reports suggest a long-term increasing incidence of the problem (Lucas, 1991; Lucas et al., 1991; Willi & Grossman, 1983). The article, "An Anorexic's Recovery" is a timely way of informing people/readers of this lethal psychological disorder through the experience of the writer on this illness. As a narrative article, the point of views of the writer was emphasized on her accounts of battling the mental disorder. The worst part of anorexia is the determination of factors that causes the disorder. Until now, there is no exact cause of anorexia nervosa. However, researchers on the field of medicine and psychology suggested that factors in general could be categorized as follows: Cultural Pressure - Just like in the case of Rutherford, cultural pressure played as the main role why she suffered from anorexia. . Rutherford "wanted to impress the boys in university and she [I] thought being thin would help. So she [I] went on a diet"(n.p.). (eHealthMD, 2005) claimed that "in many societies, being extremely thin is the standard of beauty for women and represents success, happiness, and self-control.(p.3). Cultural pressure seems to be the primary cause of why some suffer from this mental disorder. In the article, this was the only cause stated; however, below you can see that not only cultural pressure is to be blamed but other factors as well. Psychological Issues - People who have low self-esteem, poor body image, rigid thinking patterns, perfectionism, feelings of ineffectiveness, physical or sexual abuse, and need for control are prone on developing anorexia. Psychological imbalances may be a by-factor of having the disorder. Rutherford's case may seem to imply that she may have suffered from the need of being perfect, although the writer projected that being good in school or things he did imply that he is psychologically stable: "I was an honors student when I entered university and had an 82 percent average after my first semester. I had made lots of friends and had balanced my social and academic obligations". In view points of psychology, anorexia is a mental illness and therefore has a lot to do with psychological issues. Rutherford may have overlooked this issue on his article. Family Environment - Some family upbringings may be factors to the development of anorexia. The families of people who have the disorder are more expected to be rigid, overprotective, and suffocating closeness. In these situations, anorexia nervosa builds up as a way of fighting back for individuality and independence. Genetic Factors - According to (Wade, et.al, 2000) "anorexia shares a genetic risk with clinical depression" (p.157). People who have